Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Remain Steadfast

“Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.” 1 Corinthians 15:58

Today, I come to encourage you not to give up neither give in to the suggestions of the devil. The Bible says hope deferred makes the heart sick: but when desire comes, it is a tree of life. Your desire will come to pass in Jesus’ name. Many times, you are tempted to give up on your dream, you think nothing will happen again, but I come to challenge you to remain steadfast. No matter what you have been doing before, keep doing it. Are you serving, keep serving. Are you a generous giver? Don’t hold back. Are you a person that your leader in the church or cell group can count on? Don’t withdraw from your selfless service. What you are trusting God for may look delayed, but beloved, you cannot be denied.

To be steadfast is to be resolute. It is to be unwavering, it talks about consistency; it means to be committed and dedicated. What have you been steadfast at? Don’t give up. Remember the story of Zacharias. He was a Man of God. He served God. He was a priest. Yet he had no child. Think of it: what if because he had no child he stopped serving in the temple, where would the angel have met him? If he had been serving with bitterness in his heart, I don’t think God would have still visited him. I want to encourage you today, remain steadfast. The challenge may be staring you in the face, remain steadfast. From your logical reasoning there may be no solution in sight, remain steadfast. Be fully convinced that God is faithful and much more He loves you. His thoughts towards you are thoughts of good and not evil. He wants to give you an expected end. He desires your utmost joy. He is your Father.

Don’t get tired of praying; don’t get tired of fasting, keep at it. We have an assurance from God in Jeremiah 33:3 He said, “Call unto Me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not”. Great and mighty things are coming your way. Your testimony will be noised abroad. God will give you a pleasant surprise, as you remain steadfast in your place of service.

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