Thursday, 17 October 2013


'...I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen...' Exodus 31:9
Just as a river can't rise higher than its source, no enterprise can rise higher than its leadership. When it was time to build the tabernacle God told Moses: '...I have specifically chosen Bezalel...I have filled him with the Spirit of God, giving him great wisdom, ability, and expertise...He is a master craftsman...He is skilled in engraving and mounting gemstones and in carving wood...And I have personally appointed be his assistant. Moreover, I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen so they can make all the things I have commanded you to make' (Exodus 31:1-6 NLT). Whether you are in ministry or in business, here's a plan that will bring you success: 1) Be sure that the people you choose are the people God has chosen for you. This calls for a prayerful and careful approach to hiring. Hiring isn't fun, and firing is agony. But so is trying to undo other people's mistakes! 2) Look for those to whom God has given 'wisdom, ability, and expertise.' Not only must they have the right skill set, they must have the same spirit you have; otherwise you are headed for conflict. 3) Don't stake your future on any one person, however gifted. 'I have given special skill to all the gifted craftsmen.' If Oholiab goes rogue or messes up, you need to have other 'craftsmen' in place to carry the vision forward. 4) Make sure the goals you have set line up with God's will. 'Make all the things I have commanded.' Ideas are important; God's plan is all-important!

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