'Who has believed our report?...' Isaiah 53:1 |
An oil spill pollutes the Gulf of Mexico, devastating marine life and the livelihood of millions of people. Day after day we watch it on TV, in real time. An earthquake hits Haiti, 200,000 die, and the world's poorest people are left hungry and homeless. An American-born terrorist flies home from an Al Qaeda training camp with a bomb in his underwear and tries to destroy not only the plane, but much of Detroit. Bankers, car makers and oil executives we trusted questioned by Parliamentary committees say they have no idea how we got into this mess. The reports keep coming 24/7. Talking heads in the media milk each moment and sensationalise each event because it increases their ratings, sells advertising and makes money. Indeed, some of the news reporters have become celebrities. Fear sells! It's a major industry. Paradoxically, we are both the most prosperous generation in history, and the most fearful one too. In the past you had to get your daily dose of anxiety from the evening news; today you get it around the clock on your Blackberry and iPad. Now you can't bury your head in the sand. But if you're not selective in what you listen to, you can lose your peace of mind. God knows this, so His Word asks, 'Who has believed our report? And to whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?' In Scripture, the 'arm of the Lord' speaks of His power to deliver and His providential care over every event in our lives. So whose report are you going to listen to, internalise, and respond to? |
Monday, 28 October 2013
Tuesday, 22 October 2013
’And not only so, but we glory in tribulations also:
knowing that tribulation worketh patience; and patience experience, hope:’’
Romans 5: 3-4
Maybe you have given,
served and sowed your entire life and never received so much as a “thank you” let
alone a harvest of any kind and you may wonder why you should continue to
in a way that hasn’t produced results?
But if only we can
persevere, we will reap the full harvest which is God’s abundant blessings.
I have strong Christian
friends who could not wait for God
to work in their lives but gave in to their desire of just
“wanting to be a husband or a wife” and married a non-believer only to end up
in misery and divorce.
I have also witnessed
others who had waited for a long period of time and had their first date in
years (met their spouse) well into their forties. I’ve seen former co-workers
go through interview after interview only to get the good job they desire after
months of searching. And I’ve known of those who have been blessed abundantly
after years of waiting on the Lord for a child.
Sometimes I wonder what
would have happened had Noah listened to all of the naysayers around him with
their discouraging words and gave up on building the ark, also what if Moses had
stopped at the Red Sea (and turned back), there is need for us to persevere so
that we will not miss the plan of God
for our lives.
For every discovery,
invention, and life changing moment, there were years of disappointments,
struggles, second-guessing, frustration and doubt that preceded it. As christian
singles, there is need for us to ask God for the grace to persevere.
"And it came to pass, when they were gone over, that Elijah said unto Elisha, Ask what I shall do for thee,before I be taken away from thee. And Elisha said,I pray thee, Let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me".(2 Kings 2 vs 9).
Today, It is instructive to note that before Elisha made demands from his relationship with Elijah, he had served him so well. He invested his time , his service, his loyalty etc in the relationship. He followed his Master till the end. He didn't listen to naysayers who wanted to discourage him from the journey. He believed in his Master and was ready to disconnect from anyone who wanted him to disconnect from his Master.Isn't it amazing that we are often in a hurry to reap from relationships that we haven't invested anything in? We often desire what people can do for us,yet we are not in a hurry to do something for them. We often want to be promoted and rewarded as employees without first showing enough loyalty and dedication to our employers. We often demand the best from our spouses, colleagues, friends, etc without investing the best in our relationship with them.Friend,Invest positively in your relationship with people. Make a positive impact on everyone that comes your way. Add value to the lives of people who come in contact with you. Be loyal to your friends. Be willing to go the extra mile for people. Do not seek to take colour from people,seek how you can add colour to them.Selfishness is simply when you keep making demands from the lives of people around you whilst refusing to invest selflessly in your relationship with them.As you seek to take value from others; Most importantly, also seek to add Value.Pray with me,"Lord,help me to invest positively in my relationship with people in Jesus name"
'...The curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom...' Matthew 27:51 |
One day a year, on the Day of Atonement (at-one-ment), the high priest could go beyond the thick curtain in the tabernacle and into the 'Holy of Holies' where God's presence was. What qualified him to go there was the fact that the blood of a sacrificial lamb was covering the mercy seat, under which rested the Ark of the Covenant. God arranged it like that. You ask, 'What was in the Ark?' The Ten Commandments-which all of us have broken. The only way God could look at the evidence of His people's guilt was through the blood of the lamb. Now, fast forward to the cross. Jesus 'gave up his spirit. At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom.' Everything changed for the better that day! In spite of your failures, you can now come into God's presence, knowing your sins are covered by the blood of Jesus, and confidently ask for whatever you need. 'Let us come boldly to the throne of our gracious God. There we will receive his mercy, and we will find grace to help us when we need it most' (Hebrews 4:16 NLT). Your acceptance with God is guaranteed when you approach Him saying, 'I come in the name of Jesus and on the merits of His shed blood.' It works like a credit system. 'You are in Christ,' so you have a perfect credit score! So even when you feel inadequate and undeserving, if you ask in faith believing, God will give it to you '...for Christ's sake...' (Ephesians 4:32 KJV). |
Friday, 18 October 2013
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