Saturday, 6 July 2013


'There condemnation...' Romans 8:1
Booker T. Washington tells a wonderful story about his mother. Every morning of his young life, he, along with all the plantation slaves, was awakened by the crow of a rooster. Long before daybreak the unwelcome noise would fill the shanties, reminding Washington and his fellow workers to crawl out of bed and leave for the cotton fields. That rooster's crow came to symbolise a life of long days and backbreaking labour. But then came the Emancipation Proclamation. Abraham Lincoln pronounced freedom for all slaves. The first morning after, young Booker was awakened by the rooster again. Only this time his mother was chasing it around the barnyard with an axe. That day the Washington family fried and ate their alarm clock for lunch. Their first act of freedom was to silence the reminder of their slavery. Are any roosters stealing your sleep? You might need to sharpen the blade. The great news of the gospel is, yes, His grace is real, and so is your freedom! 'There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do not walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit.' Forget your sins for God's sake, because when you keep bringing them up you bother Him! Does that sound too strong for you? Then read what God says about your sins: 'I, even I, am He who blots out your transgressions for My own sake; and I will not remember your sins' (Isaiah 43:25 NKJV). God has buried your sins in the 'depths of the sea' (Micah 7:19 NIV) and posted a sign beside it which reads, 'No fishing in these waters'.           

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