Saturday, 15 November 2014


'Get rid of all bitterness, rage and anger.' Ephesians 4:31
Anger is often the product of frustrated expectations. We expect something, and when we don't get it we end up disappointed and angry. And our anger leads to a dysfunctional personal, spiritual and relational lifestyle. Frustrated expectations are often rooted in early experiences with our parents, siblings and authority figures. Perhaps our needs for love, acceptance, security and significance were never met; then later we experienced broken commitments in marriage, business and friendships. Ultimately, smouldering anger becomes a weapon in our arsenal, threatening to hurt everything and everybody we care about. We become bitter people--avoided, excluded and lonely.

God instructs us to 'get rid of all bitterness', so that 'no bitter root grows up to cause trouble and defile many' (Hebrews 12:15 NIV). How do we obey His command? 1) By accepting and acting on His Word. Without a Scriptural foundation, old emotions will repeatedly undermine your efforts to overcome them. 'Get rid of all bitterness' is an order that implies the promise of success when you obey it. 2) By choosing to be released from bitterness. Choice isn't an emotion, and it doesn't require an emotional response. God won't control your emotions, but neither will He let them influence Him. Believing God's Word and making the choice to obey it always results in success. So start strengthening your will and your faith. How? By choosing to obey God in spite of your feelings! Practise this every day until it becomes a lifestyle. Then instead of being mastered by your moods, you'll find yourself 'reigning in life' (Romans 5:17), no longer controlled by your negative emotions.